TTx Talk is a video podcast, with your host, Nate Petry – TTx VP of Sales. Nate has conversational interviews with experts in their respective fields. On today’s episode, Nate talks with one of his fellow colleagues. Nate is joined by Josh Pietrocini – TTx Director of Operations – and together, they walk through Josh’s recent promotion.
Josh has been with TTx for almost 5 years, and his passion for this company only grows with each year. He started as a Lead Project Manager and was recently promoted to Director of Operations back in August of 2020. Going into the new role, Josh wanted to be able coach individuals, have an enhancement on processes, and be able to influence initiatives, and he couldn’t be more excited about doing those things.
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TTx Talk Episode 10 Transcript
Nate: Good afternoon and welcome to TTx Talks, today I have with me Joshua Pietrocini, our Director of Operations.
Josh: Hello.
Nate: I’m Nate Petry, VP of Sales, and really looking forward to this conversation today.
Josh: Thank you, Nate.
Nate: So we made that announcement a couple of months back during the COVID time, and now we’re super excited about that. So I wanted you to have the opportunity to give it just a little bit of an update on that role and where you’re coming from.
Josh: Yeah, sure. So I came to TTx, end of 2017 as a lead project manager. And I was in that role up until August. Where I’m at with it now, is that what you mean? Okay. So it was an interesting navigation. So, talk started maybe March/April, started navigating the opportunity, you know, obviously TTx wanted to promote from within. And my first thing was, is this a position that’s going to be able to allow me to coach individuals, have an enhancement on process and be able to influence initiatives? And right there that’s, you know, all three of you and leadership were like, absolutely. So I said, let’s keep talking because that’s where it started. And it’s been exactly that. So it’s put me in a place to be able to do all those things that I love; people focus, the heart of that.
Nate: You’re in the right seat.
Josh: Yes, yes. It’s an interesting thing because even though in the PM role, I loved it because it touches every department and it’s client facing, the client experience. But I also had the opportunity to oversee that department. So the PM’s in that role, which I love the most, just helping them develop, eliminating ambiguity, eliminating any kind of confusion, tooling them with the right resources and stuff. And that was like really my heart in that role, even though I love all the other pieces, parts of it too, but that’s just now in a greater capacity. So I love it. It’s a convergence of the skill set and passion and it’s just kind of a perfect fit.
Nate: It was a perfect fit. You’re great with coaching people and you also improved our project management department a lot. So you made that role super good and successful for other kids moving forward. So pumped about you being in that seat, one of the things I liked best about you being in that seat is our ability to manage our departments individually, but also be on the same page, moving forward with sales and Operations.
Josh: It’s key, it’s key and your heart is the same as mine, man. So there were walls before that existed. And I think you taking the role you took, me taking the role I took, it needs to be hydrogen oxygen. Like we’re only as good as the relationships you guys are building with the clients. And we want to take that into consideration and we want to care for those clients really well. And you guys do a nice job of setting that up. So you and I are in sync in terms of eliminating any walls and having more of an overlap. It’s one team, it’s like the Browns. offense defense, it’s two different sections, two different departments, but it’s the whole team that wins. So I look at it like that.
Nate: Yeah. Super good. Well, what is your vision for Operations to continue to improve our client experience? Client experience is something we talk about all the time as it relates to us being the most trusted partner in our space. So what’s your goals and vision for the department?
Josh: End of the day mate, it’s it’s relationship, right? So, experience is a big part of my heart. Whether it starts with client experience, employee experience, how those things are simultaneous, but I tell our guys, I say, you know, especially to help those guys when people are calling in, they’re never calling in and just saying like, hey, our phone systems work great. They’re calling in with something wrong. And there are people on the other end of that phone. So just to slow it down and recognize that the person on the other end of the phone has a husband or a son or, or wife, and they’re going through some stuff and they’re feeling stressed because something’s not working on their end. And that starts inside. So there’s a tool I use, purpose, brand, culture; purpose, why we exist, like why TTx exists? Why are we in business? And then that fuels brand, how we’re known and culture, how we live these things out. If we say we want to be the most trusted partner and then people come to visit us and we’re a mess internally, then there’s a lack of integrity there. So it starts with the culture. So it starts here investing in our people and then how we live that out as a brand is a manifestation of that. So both are driven by purpose, but these two things are synonymous, hydrogen and oxygen. So my goal is to make what you guys are selling, the value proposition to the clients, to make that true on the promises that, the delivery of the experience, the promises that consistency, all of the things that you and your team are selling to the marketplace. I want to make sure that that stuff’s true. And that starts with investing in our people, refining our processes, making sure they’re clear and clean and delivering a good experience.
Nate: Well, thanks for your time today. One of the things that’s new to the sales process is we really want to bring Operations to the front of that. So we’re very much a pro-services company, a lot of managed services, managed voice solutions. So if you’d like to talk to Joshua, I’d love to be able to arrange that for you to hear the heart of the culture that he’s building with people here at TTx. Technically, people matter is our tagline and we are a technology company. People matter in that process and we want you all to be raving fans. And that really comes from Josh’s leadership of Operations.
Josh: Thanks for saying that.
Nate: Talk to you soon!